Trampling boys dreams, with My sweet little feet –
This has been a foot filled week in Mistress land! Seems the foot freaks are coming out of the wood work and are so ready for action… My first little nerd boy has a few strikes against him – lives with his parents, only 20 years old, and has never been with a woman, in the biblical way (hail Mary full of grace… or something). He's also a fat little f*ck apparently, with such a tiny appendage, and dreadfully shy… although he DOES have one thing that makes him interesting – he is employed. And knows how to spend his money. 3 guesses where I might be going with that…
At least he knows what makes his love bump rigid and… well if it's exceptionally short, is erect the correct phrase? The sweat and stench of sweet women's feet does something dirty to his nervous system. Gives this little man a bit of a chubby. He also fantasizes about serving men on his knees, with a mouth so open wide. I've been making him do humiliating assignments, taking his money, making him bury his face into stinky girl socks, while sticking grocery produce where his sun doesn't shine…
What's not to love about My work hm?
My other talkative fella craving flesh covered phalanges, and has been a regular slave for over a year. He just adores the bunions of old withered women! The calluses, the corns, the toe jam, he revels in all of the dark foot maladies, that which most of us would find rather ugly. When we chat, we get into almost a chant like state for over an hour, meditative and erotic, sharing how we both know he is in inferior, and Women are superior. His place is on his knees worshiping the beauty of a mature woman and her hard working feet. The miracle of the body, and how it adapts, thickening skin with corns and calluses, that's the place we go together. Just goes to show anything can be sacred, if you approach it with the right attitude!
And speaking of feet – mine are actually sore today. I've been playing with My workout schedule, and have already walked 9 miles this week, in addition to a gym workout (5 miles yesterday). I love downloading radio shows and getting into a contemplative space while pounding through the miles, "taking to the air" as they used to say in the late 1800s (granted, I'm getting that from the show Deadwood). Today Mistress is going to sit on her firm ass, and enjoy every minute of it. I've earned it hm?