He promised he'd keep from cumming this week. We'll see if he's got what it takes, to keep that eruption at bay. I love men with willpower, especially when it involves one more day of not cumming. This one really has no business calling me, especially when his ex gets sooo very much of his money as it is. Well his ex, and the man she left Daniel for. Cancel that subscription to the New Yorker my luv, sleep with that buttplug in place, and we'll chat about the next step in your path of destruction...
Sometimes talking with a mistress like me, helps satisfy that itch. Remember how good it feels, dragging your nails over a fresh mosquito bite? The little gnat that slowly sucked the very blood right out of you, and left you a welt to remember her by. Oooh...
Strangely enough, the healing that comes with this kind of surrender, is many times worth the risk. Face the day and earn your keep, young ones, you've got a mistress to call...