This is going to be a difficult article to write.
A close friend of Mine, and fellow Mistress, was called today with very distressing news. One of her slaves, who was extremely depressed, was pressuring to meet outside of Niteflirt, romanticizing their relationship. She let him know that they needed to take a break from sessioning together because he was becoming too demanding, and she suggested he get counseling to address his depression. She'd been concerned about him too due to this, and he was asking for more extreme humiliation during sessions. To the point of making My Mistress friend uncomfortable.
Today my friend received a call from the man's family, that the client had committed suicide. In their hurt and anger, they lay blame for his demise partially at My Mistress friend's doorstep. Telling her that she's hurting people. Wanting to hold her accountable, because at present, it hurt too much to hold the man himself accountable to his own actions.
It brings alot of uncomfortable feelings forth, dealing with her sadness over the news, and also being held accountable for someone choosing to harm themselves fatally.
As a Mistress, I hold Myself accountable for My actions. I also realize that when a slave client picks up their dick, and their credit card to call me, they know the deal. I provide a service, specialized to clientele who enjoy BDSM roleplay and session work. I'm not qualified as a psychologist, a doctor, a priest... although many times these skills weave into the work.
I have clients who hide their discomfort with the real world, by self medicating with drugs, alcohol, adrenalin, extreme fantasy, humiliation, you name it. As Ani Difranco says, "Any tool is a weapon, if you hold it right."
Today I feel sadness for the man who ended this life just this week. I know my Mistress friend is hurting too, and it's difficult to see her in this pain. We all ask ourselves in these situations... could I have done more.
I love my job, and understand that there is dark and light to this work. Below are resources that may help if you feel the need:
National Suicide Hotlines USA
United States of America
Toll-Free / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
1-800-SUICIDE , also 1-800-273-TALK
The Alcohol Hotline - 1-800-ALCOHOL
National Institute on Drug Abuse Helpline 1-800-662-4357
I feel honored to claim the task of Mistress with my submissives. I also need to know you come to Me for the right reasons. And ultimately, this has to be decided by you. I offer prayers of guidance and light in your search.