Oh Mistress is a tired little Girl tonight… took a long hike into town, which I'll do occasionally for a workout. 5 miles roundtrip, 47 degrees out. I took My chances with the weather, since it was only 30% chance of raining… and guess who got caught in a horrendous downpour of windy heavy rain? Bingo!
When I finally got into town, and hit one of My fave restaurants, I was soaked to the bone, even with a rain slicker and 3 layers underneath. I tried to wait it out, considered getting a ride home and thought… F*CK it!! I stopped by a sports store, bought some fab rain pants, and trucked it home baby!
That tough stuff is what a Mistress is made of, hm? Hehe!
Mistress rewarded herself with a long warm bath, chilled naked flesh warming nicely in the water. I love looking around My home and seeing so many things you sweet slaves have bought Me. The lighting for My bathroom, the ipod, the JBL speakers I listened to while soaking My tired flesh and muscle…. You take care of Me nicely little ones!
That new Watchmen movie is looking very interesting, isn't it? I'll have to see what Ebert is saying on the subject. Was just considering the movie Secretary tonight while walking. Remember the scene where James Spader, at the height of his sexiness, had Ms. Secretary bent over the desk, slapping her ass for her misspelling and typos? Ah yes!! The tension and eroticism in that movie, is something I still savor.
What do you secretly savor?