Oh sweet cheeks and vile perverts, Mistress is a very tired Girl today!
As many of My dedicated ones know, I tend to keep a few coals in the fire, to keep it interesting. My mind is quick, and likes several types of stimulation. If you know what I mean. Ahem.
I've taken on a software contract that will keep Me busy these next two months, and as such, will be a little less available to My sublets. Aww! I will continue being available on weekends to be sure, just know that My time is a bit more divided for the next few weeks.
Best chance to catch Me will be weekends. Also, requesting an appointment via Niteflirt, or emailing Me, will help in arranging our time together. Evenings and weekend time will work best, if you want to catch My scent! Don’t be afraid to send a sweet little email. Or an Amazon gift… or flat out cash! HA! Hehe
I'm smiling and a little bit exhausted just now. A massage and pedicure would SO fit the bill, you know how I looove being touched hm? *smile