HEY, NEW PHOTOS! I took them with a little man locally, showing off some leather restraints and the like. We were having a cup of coffee in My back yard, and he was extra excited because he'd received a set of bondage gear, recently made by a leather worker we both know. Impromptu like, I set up My digital camera and tripod, and the results are included here. A shout out to slave licious for being a good guinea pig! I'll be spiffing up My Niteflirt pages with a few shots, soon! Contact Me if you'd like more information on the leather work!

And on to the next…
Recently saw the movie, "Smart People", with Dennis Quaid and Ellen Page. Good movie, with a strong cast of actors! My only main complaint was the bludgeon-your-ears-with-constant-loud-music soundtrack.
I remember hearing Keith Carradine discuss this trend, on a DVD commentary track for Deadwood (which, as I tangentalize ad infinitum, is one of My very very favorite series ever). To paraphrase, Carradine discussed how utterly awful films will sometimes overwhelm an audience, using a soundtrack which instructs them how to feel. This ploy typically compensates for poor screenwriting and bad acting.
In contrast, Deadwood barely had any soundtrack. Didn't need it. Every cast member was gifted, spot on, and worthy of worship. Well, that's My opinion!
Back to "Smart People" – My fave moment in the film was Dennis Quaid's first kiss with Sarah Jessica Parker. Quaid plays a college professor who's a bitter curmudgeon, after the death of his wife, and slowly warms when Parker takes an interest in him. Their kiss on her couch… He skulks up like some plodding animal, accustomed to the dark, then grabs her, lands so hard and deft on her lips…
THAT …. That is how you kiss a woman. Your whole body rushing behind a set of lips that knows what it's doing. Mistress used rewind a few times on that one….