I'm feeling pent up and chilly since this cold front hit, and I'm restless. A bit like a caged animal. Do you like hiking in 29 degree F weather? Helll no…
The only upside to enjoying a forest or park in this weather? You own the land. No one else wants to be out there freezing their nuts off, so you get the whole place to yourself, typically.

(can you guess which one is Me?)
And today's saving grace, is a Pomegranate Tootsie Pop that I brought back from Seattle. I'm sucking on it, even as I type. Was visiting Seattle for the holidays, and stuffed a few of these in my leather jacket pocket, at the insistence of an older family friend.
Something about a candy dish with hard candy in it, and a grey haired friend with and many stories and laughs, makes me feel nostalgic, and loved.
Ah, there I've found it. The warmth I was seeking. Guess it only took a few moments of reflection, hm?