Mistress has been soaking in all the Conan O'Brien she can get of late. He's back My babies, and keeping it cool.
He turned a corner for Me when two things happened:
1 – NBC jerked him around and dumped him, creating an underdog antihero.
2 – He grew a beard.
What can I say. I've got a thing for tightly trimmed beards. And, perhaps, disempowered submissive men who need a bit of guidance. *smirks, looking at you…
One of My regulars called last night, extremely intoxicated, and ready to talk about the thing he shares with no one. Only the anonymous, on the end of a pay phone. Sliding blades over his scalp, and shaving off what's left of his head hair, turns him on to the rush of orgasm. We've even webcammed the debacle before, shaving patterns and trails through his head fuzz. He moaned while on edge, while I drew him in, sliding My words into his mind…
You're next.