Oh the sun is peeking out, and I can feel the house settle a bit with the warmth. There's a show on the tele called Pawn Stars (History Channel), about a Las Vegas pawn shop that clears mucho money, and very interesting bits of history. Muskets, buried treasure, other tidbits rare and unusual. One of the main characters, Rick, has been told he's too stressed out, and is squeezing a pair of stress balls. Apparently his doc thinks he's stressed.
Yes, squeezed balls and stress, do have a connection.
January is nearly over and my workout routine is in the slump. I need an injection of motivation and strength. I've seen a few big boys down at the gym that might take a little money for their time.
Would you be one of those boys? With you though, I'd make you do very different things, than a man hired to get Me hot, sweaty and firm….