Tonight I was a bad grrl...
Well the day started right. I mean I did wake up and feel the need for a run. Jogged 3 miles, felt fabulous. Tonight though, I went to a Hawaiian style party, with 2 roasted pigs, and food that went on forever, so many tables. Mistress actually did a little drinking tonight, which is a rare thing! I seem to see alcohol as empty calories really, especially when I'm trying to keep my bod in shape....
They had a keg of yummy pale ale, and Mistress helped herself to 3-4 glasses of that. THEN? One of the boys at the party had a special drink. Lemme see if I remember it. Tanqueray, lime juice, and club soda. MAN that was so yummy... I had 3! They started up a bonfire from the pig pit and we all sat around on hay bales, drinking in the warmth, and enjoying a good buzz!
They had several cotton lengths of rope set aside too, for a 3 legged race, that never really happened. Don't tell anyone, but I snuck a few lengths of rope home. I figure you can never have enough soft cotton rope... so many sublets begging for a good restriction now and then hm? *giggle
I can understand why you boys love calling me, getting drunk while I guide you to suck down more. DAMN being a little tipsy can be a helluva lota fun! Kisses and ass slaps to you!