This has been a fun week in Ruby land. Two of my favorite callers gave me a ring this past week and left a smile lingering...
Jeffy jeff, one of my fave sissy sluts, decided to call wearing his pinkest panties. He also decided to bring along his favorite 6 inch friend, to violate the darkest places this grrl has! Jeffy jeff loves serving Mistress, and doing what she's told! I always LOVE making up a new degrading little phrase for this sweety to utter, when and IF I let this one arrive at a climax....
Also heard from my foot fetish slave boy Steve this weekend. I get rather Zen with this one, as we slowly go deeper, worshiping the beauty of the foot, the curves, the strength, the joints, and oh such arches.....
It's hot out there lovelies! Keep the naughty bits cool...