December 16, 2008

Chilly bits, and little licks

Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra goes the saying. And that would be the case in these parts on the west coast of the U.S. 9 degrees F. outside. What the fuck??

This does beg the question ... why would a woman wear a brass bra in the first place? haha! Brass balls I think I could understand (they are so very tender, those bits), as men do like to like reinforcing their weak spots, even with a metaphor of some sort.

Perhaps said witch is on a Xena warrior princess kick, and is feeling that power. Myself, I prefer something a tad warmer for the nips.

Mistress will be keeping said bits inside her home, warm and toasty. And maybe... She'll be talking to you!

Today, while snacking on a little vanilla yogurt, I began thinking of all the dirty things I've made slaves lick up over the years. Things sometimes with the consistency and color of yogurt, although a bit tangier methinks. Know what I mean? hahah!

Alrighty then - back at it! *whipsnap